Safety and Unintended Use Policy

Shattered Concepts is not held liable for any dangerous, unsafe, unintended, wrongful or unethical uses of its products. Products are meant strictly for collecting and practicing purposes in a safe environment and in a safe manner. These products are not weapons but are also not toys.


Trainers do not have sharpened edges and are not designed with an sharpened edge, but can still be dropped or unintentionally thrown causing injury to yourself or others.


Safety Information:

For the safety of the user and others, do not use your products in crowded public areas or around other people that may be unfamiliar with the product you may be using.Use these products with care. Be sure you and others around you are wearing proper attire including footwear and clothing to prevent injury from loss of control and/ or from dropping your products.


Treat these products as if they are real to avoid injury of any kind to yourself or others.


Keep away from children.


Do not bring these products into places or buildings with signs stating No Weapons or Firearms Allowed, or into buildings or places that prohibit weapons or firearms such as federal buildings and public schools. These products can appear threatening to others that are not familiar with this concept.


Be mindful of those around you to prevent any potential panic, unwanted conflicts, and misunderstandings.


Unintended Use Information:

These products are by NO MEANS to be used for self-defense and/or causing harm to yourself or others around you.


Do not use these products in any kind of threatening manner. They are strictly intended for practicing tricks for fun in a safe and open, non-crowded areas and buildings.


Shattered Concepts does not condone violence.


Products are not to be used as tools and are not rated to withstand such treatment. Using these products in a manner other than its one intended use can lead to injury to you or others around you. Use these products properly and responsibly.


Products are not to be altered in any way. Shattered Concepts products are manufactured and made for training purposes and are not to be altered to make them potentially harmful or to be used as weapons. Products are not meant for hunting or to bring harm on any animalsor other living beings.

Shattered Concepts products are not designed with hunting in mind, which can lead to harming yourself or others if the product was to break or shatter. Do not use Shattered Concepts products for any use other than what they were intended for.


YOU AS THE CUSTOMER are liable for any damage or harm that may occur from wrongful use of any products sold by Shattered Concepts.


When purchasing any products from Shattered Conceptsyou automatically agree to these terms and conditions.